Friday, March 28, 2008

I Sing Because I'm Happy

Out of Iraq

No Exit Strategy!
No Credibility!

This was what I read on a large cardboard stop sign draped around an older gentleman's neck, while standing in front of the White House. I was outside for a brief break from work, insistent that I would not spend ALL day inside when the weather was beautiful. I took a walk around Lafayette park and was immediately drawn closer to the White House because I heard a voice singing. It wasn't particularly beautiful, but it wasn't harsh either and it boomed across the park. 

A crowd had formed around this gentleman as he sang his heart out, a continual smile on his face. Young kids and teenagers posed themselves next to him to take pictures, and he humored them with a peace sign for each flash, but never stopped his song.

The tune was unrecognizable, but the words were a familiar psalm; "Surely his goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life." Without skipping a beat, he moved on to an old gospel hymn; "I sing because I'm happy. I sing because I'm free. His eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches me."

I've seen many displays of protest in this town, often against President Bush and the Iraq war, though the occasional immigration rally or circumcision protest (that's a whole other post) does arise. But, this man was different than the others - no shouting, no rehearsed chants, no anger or hate. He sang a true message, that the Lord, full of goodness and mercy, watches over each of us. It wasn't that he didn't want the same things as all the other protesters - an end to the war - but he chose to express himself in a different manner than all the rest. It was refreshing.

I'm sure those teenagers went back with their photos laughing about the crazy man who wouldn't stop singing, and I'll admit, the whole scene did make me chuckle. But, it also made me think of my Savior, the only one with the power to bring complete peace to the earth. Perhaps that was his point after all.


Rebecca Banner said...

VERY interesting. Different is refreshing sometimes. Thanks for sharing.

Sarah said...

Sarah-Nikki's friend-I just wanted to say that I saw you in the Ensign! I knew I had to know someone in that picture-so I looked at every face until I saw you!Pretty cool! You go girl-you tutor all those people!!