Tis the season for love and romance and all things pink and red. Cupid, draw back your bow!
I'm a romantic at heart. Romance is classic; it's a feeling; it's an ideal; it's fluttering hearts and moments too good to be true.
Romance is not about having everything align perfectly to create endless happiness. It's about finding the perfection in simple moments and treasured relationships. It has less to do with expecting, and everything to do with creating.
Let's celebrate romance. For the next week, this blog will be dedicated to all things romantic (from my perspective of course). Feel free to add your romantic thoughts to mine and let's fall in love shall we?
Heavens no, I am not talking about the book series.
I'm talking about that moment right after the sun sets, before the night falls. The sky is a bluish gray and the lights in the city start to twinkle in the sky, but the contrast is not yet blinding.
Give me that sky, warm air with just a soft breeze and I'm butter.
It's so romantic.